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Radical Approach to Goal Setting with Eric Worre

Radical Approach to Goal Setting with Eric Worre

It’s not difficult to understand the benefit of setting goals. However, the way you set those goals can radically change their outcome. Many experts say that specific goals that are written in the present tense (as if it already happened) have a better outcome. This is because the subconscious mind cannot discern between the past and the present. Additionally, mindlessly writing down words on a piece of paper won’t attribute to achieving your goals. You must commit to a radical approach to goal setting. To achieve your goals you have to do two things: believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals, and put in the work required to achieve your goals.

A commonality among top leaders in network marketing are compelling stories of their ultimate success. Eric Worre suggests that a good goal for network marketers is to re-write their story. You must grow and develop to create a new inspirational story! Ultimately, your story can inspire and contribute to your team in a dramatic way. If you commit to a radical approach to goal setting, you can stimulate massive action in yourself and your team!



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Featured Trainer: Eric Worre

Eric Worre has been a leader in the Network Marketing profession for 28 years. Although he’s now retired from active distributorship and focused exclusively on Network Marketing Pro, his career gave him a broad range of experience. He’s been a top field producer, building sales organizations totaling over 500,000 distributors in more than 60 countries; the President of a $200 million Network Marketing company; a co-founder and president of his own company, TPN- The Peoples Network; and a high-level marketing consultant to the Network Marketing profession.