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How to Use Virtual Events in Network Marketing with Sarah Robbins

How to Use Virtual Events in Network Marketing

Facebook Live, Skype, and Zoom are just a few options that we have to conduct meetings from all over the world! There’s no doubt that many organizations are moving into the digital sphere to conduct their business. The question is, how can you use virtual events in network marketing? The answer may not be as complicated as you think! With the many resources we have available, there’s very little downside to adapting to the new age of virtual events in your network marketing business!

Sarah Robbins is a firm believer in using virtual events to stay in contact with your downline. She believes that the events excite people which ultimately leads to duplication! When it comes to Facebook events, Sarah warns that it’s very important that your teach your team two key things. First, you have to make sure they click “I’m Going” or Facebook will not notify them that the event is taking place. Then you have to teach your team how to invite others to the meetings! It needs to be sent with a personalized invitation or else it will likely be considered spam. This video is FULL of incredible tips and tricks if you are looking to incorporate virtual events in network marketing.


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Featured Trainer: Sarah Robbins

Sarah Robbins is a #1 distributor and top earner in her network marketing company, with a seven figure annual income. Sarah has a passion to share her success system with others to help them learn and grow in their business. She shares her best practices in her best-selling book Rock Your Network Marketing Business, and inspires audiences as a top network marketing speaker. In conclusion, you can check out Sarah’s work on her website at www.SarahRobbins.com.