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How to Deal with Negative People with Randy Gage

How to Deal with Negative People

The people and environment you surround yourself with can have a huge effect on your future success. It’s obvious that having negative people in your life can negatively influence your circumstances. There will always be negative people in this world, so it’s important for you to discover ways of how to deal with negative people so they don’t make an impact on your life.

Randy Gage mentions a quote by Jim Rohn, “Your income will be the average income of the five people you spend the most time with.” This stands true for many other elements of life, as Randy goes on to explain. Your relationship, health, intelligence etc. are all components of your life that tie to those five people. If there are negative people in your circle you’ll likely have a reflection of that negativity in some aspect of your life.

If you truly want to learn how to deal with negative people watch the video below where Randy highlights the necessary steps to eliminate negativity from your life so you can truly prosper.

In addition, Randy was also affected by himself and his closest friends playing the victim role. Most notably, Randy now acknowledges that as the reason why he was not prosperous at the time. He said, “You can either be a victim or a victor, but you can’t be both. You have to choose.”



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Featured Trainer: Randy Gage

For more than 20 years Randy Gage has been helping people shatter limiting beliefs to achieve success and prosperity. He helps people uncover subconscious programming that causes them to sabotage their own success, and replace it with belief that allows them to succeed.

Randy’s been called “the millionaire messiah” because he teaches how to harness timeless spiritual principles to manifest prosperity in life. His “Deepak Chopra meets Dennis Miller” style offers straight talk on what it takes to make it today. The lessons he teaches are the result of his own journey from high school dropout to multi-millionaire.

You can check out Randy’s work on his website at www.RandyGage.com